How to find a tin roof contractor

Tin roof contractor: how to find one

“Unfortunately I am out of your service area However, I’m having a hard time finding a contractor in this area that is willing to work on my tin roof.

Try these tips:

1.  In Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and the Carolinas, we work in those states.
2. Check with your local historical societies for contractors, such as carpenters, gutter installers and chimneymen. With these names and phone numbers, call them to see if they know someone…the network of vintage roof experts is a small one.
3. If you see another embossed tin shingle roof (that appears well maintained) leave a note in their mailbox with your name, number and a plea.
4. Contact Andek Corp, a manufacturer specializing in niche finishes and coatings, at 856-786-6900 for any possibilities of known contractors using the latest products.  Their products include all colors, sheens, silver, copper and lead coated copper.

The skill and products for preserving vintage roofing is evolving rapidly.  Technology is approaching the life and performance of the outlawed lead paints!  Tracking down a knowledgeable individual may be well worth your time and money.

applied by Roof Menders, Inc, of Conshohocken, PA
Over 150 tin roofing mini-articles
(In PA, R.Menders Inc )
(c) Copyright 2014

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