House with green metal roof

House with green metal roof with accent edging

Vintage New Jersey home before homeowner began work
Wenoah, NJ, home with green tin roof

House after projects completed
Homeowner’s present residence

This New Jersey residence undertook a major facelift in recent years due to the dedication of its owner: siding, front entry, windows, gutters and , of course, the green metal roof. The owner chuckles when she is reminded that her home was the least attractive on her street!

One of her strategies is to employ a color scheme. For example she asked us to modify the traditional green color found on old roofs to the Sherwin-Williams “Courtyard green” tint. She then blended the green lip(drip edge) in this custom color into the siding wheat facade with an eye-friendly complimentary color.

Lip of green metal roof highlighted by a lighter green accent line
Green roof lip highlighted by lighter green line
applied by Roof Menders, Inc, of Conshohocken, PA
Over 150 tin roofing mini-articles
(In PA, R.Menders Inc )
(c) Copyright 2014

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