Where to buy metal shingles

Antique and Berridge modern shingles: side by side

Method of using Berridge shingles with antique tin shingles
Berridge modern shingles on left; traditional shingles on right

Where to buy metal shinglesThose owners of traditional embossed tin shingle roofs sometimes ask about the appearance of a modern version of the antique design.  Above is the new Berridge shingle on the left with the antique version on the right–both covered with a silver-tinted coating from Andek Corp.

Church with modern and antique metal shingles
View of church with two styles of shingles with same design

Unless you are studying the roof carefully, the two styles blend well.

Three major hints:  1.  Always have some divider between the two versions.  2.  A different slant of the roof (such as a porch surface) is even less obvious.  3.  Insure thoughtful color coating, either the same tint or complementary colors.

Contact info for two manufacturers of embossed tin shingles

applied by Roof Menders, Inc, of Conshohocken, PA
Over 150 tin roofing mini-articles
(In PA, R.Menders Inc )
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