Church shingle roof restoration in Virginia

Church shingles with grey Wearcoat preventing rust and Roofdx copper coating belfry roof
Church shingles AFTER the work was performed by Roof Menders, Inc

Church shingles in Virginia: new and rusting

The episcopal church reroofed their church with Berridge shingles only recently. Then rust began to appear. The local historical representative, along with the board, understood what was happening. But they were unclear how to proceed.

Church shingles exhibiting unusual rust
Rust appearing on new Berridge shingles

Once the church shingles were finished, the belfry caught the board’s attention. We addressed the areas with Roofdx copper from Andek Corp, white paint and clearcoat.
See church shingles in Virginia for before photos and a few of the steps involved to protect the roofs.

applied by Roof Menders, Inc, of Conshohocken, PA
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(In PA, R.Menders Inc )
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